The Broadcasters' Desktop Resource


Sites You Visit Only if You Really Want To!

July 2021 – Sometimes a picture needs context to really illuminate what we are looking at. Here is a pair of pictures from the same site, but the key point here is the “when.”

There is no end to the wide variety of sites that broadcasters use. They range from the remote rural areas to remote mountain tops – and everywhere in between.

Access can be as varied as well. Some sites are easy to drive up to in any vehicle. Others require four-wheel drive vehicles. And still others require walking in anywhere from a few hundred yards to a mile or more – especially when a snow cat is not available.

Fortunately, most of the worst sites in terms of access are not always that way all year long.

Which brings us to this particular example.

There is Something in There

This first picture was shared last year, and the initial response was “wow! That is a transmitter site?”

At first glance this kind of almost looks more like some ice cream or cotton candy novelty display.

Some contact with the person who shared it brought assurance it was a true transmitter site (although it might be one you have to “dig into” a little bit).

And, both the challenge of the site and the remoteness are verified by fast forwarding a few months to see the summertime picture of the site.

Another Season

You may have to rotate your mental view, but it is pretty easy to see that this is the same site.

And, without the snow, it is also clear that there is no incoming electrical feed. Everything is fed by the power generated by the solar panels.

One thing is very clear: anyone who goes up to this site needs to ensure they have everything they might need, especially in bad weather.

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Do you have a site that is especially challenging to get to or just plain interesting to see? Please do share a picture or two (or three!).

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Our thanks to Karl Shoemaker and the Spokane Repeater Group for sharing these pictures with us.

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war stories, websites