The Broadcasters' Desktop Resource


The AEQ Arena

The new ARENA Digital Audio Console is designed to work with the BC-2000-D router system, and offers many new and exciting features.

The new ARENA Digital Audio Console provides several quality enhancements such as the ability to monitor all signals present throughout the system, and using the configuration presets with regard to the Swap Page. Dedicated controls for Dynamic, EQ, Routing, and Select located above the faders now have dual functionality. They can also be used as send buttons – for example, to route signals to busses such as Master 1, Master 2, Aux.1 and Aux.2.

Other improvements to the ARENA Digital Audio Console include enhanced exterior design, smooth operation, and modular design. Additionally, the On/Off or CUE buttons can now be physically located above or below the faders – your choice! To facilitate better maintenance, the ARENA offers easily changeable modules.

The new ARENA Digital Audio Console retains all of the great features of its predecessor such as the simultaneous control of several studios, programmability of an unlimited number of Mix-Minus channels, and in the Mix-Minus mode, the channel becomes input or output of the phone conversation.

The new ARENA Digital Audio Console provides several quality enhancements such as the ability to monitor all signals present throughout the system, and using the configuration presets with regard to the Swap Page. Dedicated controls for Dynamic, EQ, Routing, and Select located above the faders now have dual functionality. They can also be used as send buttons – for example, to route signals to busses such as Master 1, Master 2, Aux.1 and Aux.2.

Other improvements to the ARENA Digital Audio Console include enhanced exterior design, smooth operation, and modular design. Additionally, the On/Off or CUE buttons can now be physically located above or below the faders – your choice! To facilitate better maintenance, the ARENA offers easily changeable modules.

The new ARENA Digital Audio Console retains all of the great features of its predecessor such as the simultaneous control of several studios, programmability of an unlimited number of Mix-Minus channels, and in the Mix-Minus mode, the channel becomes input or output of the phone conversation.

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