The Broadcasters' Desktop Resource


Bernie O’Brien

Bernie O’Brien
1947 – 2021

Bernie O’Brien, a familiar face to SCMS clients and many others, passed away on November 22nd after an extended illness. He was 74 years old.

Bernie O’Brien
 September 30, 1947 – November 22, 2021

Born September 30, 1947, Bernie was a private person who left home as a teenager, and preferred to leave it at that. However, he was also someone who never met a stranger. He was always more than gracious to assist anyone in business or in his personal life.

Over the years, Bernie became well-known widely by Broadcasters throughout the US as well as many manufacturers with whom he worked over the years.

Bernie joined SCMS about 34 years ago as a sales engineer who had previously worked for David Green and Associates (acquired by Radio Resources). Bernie was the first field salesperson that SCMS hired and a great engineer that loved the industry. In addition to selling for SCMS, Inc., Bernie also worked with several groups on a contract consulting basis such as Flinn Broadcast in Memphis.

Easy to recognize with his faded Blue Jeans and Handle Mustache, Bernie could often be found at conventions outside having a smoke with his longtime friend Dale Tucker or meeting with his close engineering buddy Dave Hacker.

Bernie was a problem solver and will be missed. He loved giving each of us answers to our customers’ questions and problems, providing unique technical solutions from his many years of experience. As he would often say, “No Problem Chief!”

Bernie passed away on November 22nd after a six-month extended illness that was unrelated to Covid.

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Our thanks to Bob Cauthen for this above information.

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