- 5/25/10 – According to an announcement today, Emmis Communications Corporation has an agreement to be taken private by Chairman Jeff Smulyan and his company JS Acquisition, LLC. The money is supposed to come through affiliate Alden Global Capital, under the agreement. Current stockholders will received $2.40 a share, preferred stockholders will have a different transaction.
(UPDATE: In September, it was announced that this deal had fallen through. One thought was that the cash burn rate was too high for the potential investors.)
- 5/25/10 – The FCC has opened another inquiry – to look into the media ownership Rules. In its fifth “quadrennial” review of the Broadcast Ownership Rules, the FCC is asking for comments on various aspects, including ownership caps and “localism,” was well as whether to measure the “satisfaction” level of “local end users.”
- 5/25/10 – EAS changes continue to slowly shuffle down the federal pipeline. At a meeting on April 13th, the OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) Emergency Management Technical Committee approved CAP Version 1.2 as a Committee Specification Draft, and voting on adoption has begun.
Next, the OASIS standard is expected to be approved sometime after June 30th, at which point formal testing will begin, possibly in July, at the earliest. Depending upon how the testing shakes out, FEMA still intends to announce IPAWS adoption of CAP V 1.2 later this year. More information is available here and here.
- 5/21/10 – Citadel Communications is getting closer to emerging from bankruptcy. The judge accepted the reorganization plan data and projections of the current management, valuing the company at around $2 Billion. It would appear current management will continue.
On the other hand, pending any successful appeals or other actions, common shareholders will be left with … nothing. (Citadel stock had been on a slow steady drift downward since 2003, and although trading at about four cents recently, there is no value – those Disney shareholders who got and held Citadel stock are holding an empty sack.)
The 165 FM and 58 AM stations in 27 states and 50 markets will have creditor relief, but at lot of jobs appear to be gone for good.
- 5/20/10 – Fritz Sennheiser, founder of the famous microphone and headset company, died on May 17th at 98.
- 5/20/10 – A complaint to the FCC regarding HD interference. In Los Angeles, Willie Davis alleges that the KRTH (101.1) digital signal is causing “destructive interference” to KATY (101.3). KATY has been among those stations complaining for the past three or four years about adjacent channel problems, especially with grandfathered super-power FMs.
- 5/17/10 – The NAB and six other organizations have submitted a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to the FCC with recommendations for the protection of migratory birds as part of its Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) process.
- 5/13/10 – Microsoft announces Office 2010. The new features include an Internet-based interface, so the software and files can reside “in the cloud.” How businesses will react to the potential legal issues of having material reside on someone else’s server is not yet clear. However, the applications can still be loaded on individual computers.
- 5/12/10 – Intelsat announced that they had lost control of Galaxy 15, apparently after a solar storm. It is due to cross paths with AMC 11 later this month, although officials say there should be little or no interference with AMC 11 services.
- 5/3/10 – Flooding in the South has crippled many stations. WSM’s radio studios and the WTVF-TV newsroom were rapidly inundated with water. A rough radio studio was set up at the WSM transmitter site.

Other stations that have been off for some time during the flood include: WQSV-790 Ashland City, WMGC-810 Murfreesboro, WYFN-980 Nashville, WCRT-1160 Nashville, WNQM-1300, and WVOL-1470 Nashville, plus WWCR (a shortwave station). The river was said to have crested finally on Tuesday afternoon the 4th.

At the Opryland Hotel and shopping mall
Nashville Public Radio was down for about a day, after a mud slide took down power lines and then the generator failed. The road had to be cleared for the repair folks to gain access.